AI and Machine Learning continue to rise in healthcare

Paulo C. Rios Jr.
2 min readMar 27, 2021

AI technology makes it now possible to bring a very high level of beneficial innovation to hospitals enabling them to achieve new levels of improved healthcare in a shorter time.

There is now distinct practical advances of AI in hospitals

AI has proved to be of immense value to hospitals:

  • AI can work with thousands or millions of records in just a few milliseconds.
  • AI can identify patterns in electronic medical records (EHRs) and detect diseases even at a very early stage working through a very large amount of data, identifying patterns and assisting in early diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of various conditions, based on many factors present in the EHR data.
  • AI can segment medical images (X-ray, MRI, CT, PET) and identify cysts and tumors with a precision that has been shown to be larger than that of humans. Not only so but also work in seconds or even milliseconds through dozens or thousands of images.
  • AI can leverage best practices in the hospital by automatically recognizing the best practices used in the hospital (for example, which treatment or procedure worked best in which cases under given factors).
  • AI can optimize the schedule and workflows in hospitals by identifying the best patterns of usage per day and period of the day.
  • AI can use Natural Language Processing, one of its most powerful areas, to automatically scan and detect useful medical research results published in the medical literature.

